169295_BluCol_AcadCatalog_REV PROOF 1-15-19
BHS 3003 Introduction to Human Services The Introduction to Human Services is the first in a series of courses in the Human Services Major. It is designed to provide a strong foundation for those who desire to work in a variety of mental health, correctional, educational, and social services settings where the emphasis is upon the helping relationship. As an overview, this course will also address ethics, his- tory and standards, theoretical approaches, processes and skill development, case man- agement and outreach, as it relates to the development of the person, family group and social systems, research, program evaluation, and assessment, the clientele to be served, and, the future trends expected in this emerging applied discipline. BHS 3023 Human Development for the Human Services Professional Human Development addresses human growth and development from birth through ado- lescence, with additional content on recent advancements in understanding adult develop- ment. Methods of studying child development are examined, theoretical approaches are explained, and an opportunity is provided to raise a virtual child. Course content gives at- tention to genetic and prenatal factors, followed by expanded coverage of physical, cogni- tive social and personality development during infancy, early childhood, middle childhood and adolescence. BHS 3053 Family Dynamics for the Human Services Professional Family Dynamics for the Human Services Professional is a broad-based study of the family. It is specifically focused upon relationships, contemporary shifts in marriage, and the modern American family structure as it is faced by human service workers that provide and deliver social services in governmental agencies and in public and private organizations. Significant attention is paid to social historical context, cultural diver- sity, and economic conditions, stresses and crises that affect healthy family life and also contribute to the circumstances of troubled and dysfunctional families as they seek assistance from Human Service professionals during times of crises. BHS 3103 30/50 Introduction to Drug Use and Abuse This course serves as an introduction to the phenomenon of drug use and abuse in society, beginning with an historical perspective and continuing to the present day. Psychological, physical, socio-economic, and spiritual ramifications of drug use and abuse are examined. Prescription and recreational drugs are addressed, with special attention to commonly abused drugs. Drug abuse signs and symptoms as well as the role of substance abuse pro- fessional in treatment, relapse prevention, and the recovery process are delineated. BHS 4003 Case Management Case Management (CM) is a process, a best practice, a skill set and a professional self- management tool utilized by Human Services professionals (e.g. substance counselors). This course covers the following CM topics: documentation, interviewing, taking social histo- ries administering and interpreting assessment forms, referencing and applying the current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) designations to special problems (i.e. substance use disorders), receiving and releasing information, as well as planning continual recovery stratergies for clientele. Learners will explore client/consumer planning process; making re- ferrals and assembling a treatment or service record; recording significant case events using non-judgmental behavioral language; monitoring services; and the process of case termina- tion. Attention will be given to CM ethics and the self-care necessary for Human Service professionals and substance abuse counselors to maintain a healthy professional life in an emotionally demanding occupation.
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