169295_BluCol_AcadCatalog_REV PROOF 1-15-19
Third Year Fourth Year CST 1103 Biblical Perspectives 3 SH COR 3012 Civic & Global Response 2 SH ART/MUS/THR Fine Arts Elective 3 SH BIO 4014 Genetics 4 SH BIO/CHM 3053, 3061 Biochemistry 4 SH PHY 2014, 2024 Physics 8 SH BIO/CHM 4081,4091 Senior Seminar 2SH CHM 3014 Quant. & Instr. Analysis 4 SH CRJ 4123 Subst. Criminal Law 3 SH CRJ 3033, 3083 Forensic Science 3 SH BIO 4024 Molecular Cell Biology 4 SH CRJ 3303 Criminal Investigation 3 SH History Elective 3 SH CRJ 3183 For. Sci. Internship 3 SH Electives 6 SH T otal 30 SH Total 28 SH GEO 2033 Physical and Cultural Geography A broad survey course in geography that includes the use of maps, geographical tools, and technology. Areas of study include the physical processes that shape the earth, physical and human characteristics of places, relationships between human activity and the physical environment, and characteristics and distributions of the earth’s ecosystems. (On Demand) GRAPHIC COMMUNICATION The Graphic Communication Major provides professional training and theoretical preparation for either graduate study or employment in digital graphic media. For the bachelor’s degree in Graphic Communication, a student must complete the general requirements, specialized requirements and electives. No minor is required in this area although students may elect to pursue a minor if they so desire. COURSES OF INSTRUCTION See Art, p. 81, Communication, p. 120, and Business, p. 98. GREEK (GRK) See Biblical Languages, p. 86. HEALTH (HEA) Minor in Health: HEA 3413; HEA 3513; HEA 3523; HEA 4003; HEA 4503 and one course approved by ESS Department Chair selected from ESS, SOC; PSY, BIO; or CHM. Courses selected from Sociology, Psychology, or Exercise and Sport Science may be selected to replace one of the Health courses listed with permission of ESS Department Chair. If a student majoring in Exercise and Sport Science elects a minor in health, courses must be added to include courses not required in the major. COURSES OF INSTRUCTION HEA 2023 Health Psychology (Same as PSY 2023) This course will examine cognitive, behavioral, and biological approaches to health psychology. (On Demand) 3 SH COM 1023 Speech GEOGRAPHY (GEO)
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