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operations research in approaching decision-making in sports management. Prerequisite: JR/SR Standing. (3 credit course offered every Spring) ESS 4133 Adapted Physical Education This course includes an in-depth study of the characteristics, learning considerations, and adaptations for the exceptional child including the gifted, mentally retarded, visually im- paired, deaf or hard of hearing, physically impaired, learning disabled, and emotionally disturbed. This course includes a practicum experience. Prerequisites: EDU 2043 and eli- The student is placed in a clinical, hospital based, and/or wellness and fitness setting under the supervision of an exercise specialist, physical therapist, physician or other professional allied health worker. Observation and guided hands-on practice are provided in the con- ducting of physiologic assessments, exercise recommendations, and supervised exercise sessions. Textbook and classroom material will emphasize EKG interpretation, metabolic calculations, and applied exercise physiology concepts. This experience is designed to help prepare students for American College of Sports Medicine Certified Exercise Physiologist exam which students are strongly encouraged to take upon course completion. Placement is for 15 weeks. Prerequisites: ESS 2023, 2073, 3303, 3403, 3343, 4223 and possession of an appropriate liability insurance policy. See Criteria for Internships on p. 70. (Spring) ESS 4213 Sport Psychology An overview of essential psychological considerations involved in athletic participation, athletic training, and in coaching athletic teams. Prerequisite: PSY 1013. (On Demand) ESS 4216 Sport Management/Recreation Internship This course involves students to seek out a 270 hour internship with a sport, recreation, or fitness organization. They will be assisted by their advisor, and if need be advisor will find them an internship. A student with approval from advisor can obtain hours at any time and work more than one internship if so desired. The class and other requirements to complete the internship will be offered during spring/summer semesters. The prerequisite is JR/SR Standing. Any student not being able to do an internship may choose to take two of the following classes to fulfill the six credits: ESS 2603, ESS 4503, BUS 1063, BUS 1283, BUS 2073, BUS 2323, BUS 2453, BUS 2512, BUS 3023, BUS 3113, COM 1013, COM 2053, COM 2073. ESS 4223 Therapeutic Exercise A study of clinical sports therapy techniques used in the rehabilitation and recondition- ing of musculoskeletal disorders. The course includes goniometry, manual muscle testing, therapeutic and resistance exercises and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation. Prereq- uisites: BIO 2013 or 1113, ESS 2023, 2073, 3343, 3403 and 3303. (Every Fall) ESS 4313 Foundations of Strength & Conditioning The study of current principles and procedures essential to strength training and condition- ing practices. Emphasis is placed on the development and practical applications of aerobic conditioning, joint flexibility, and muscular strength, power and endurance programs. Pre- requisites: BIO 1113 or 2023, ESS 3303 and 3343 or Instructor’s Discretion. (Every Fall) ESS 4413 Internship in Strength & Conditioning This course is offered concurrently with ESS 4313 and involves the placement of the stu- gibility for admission to TEP. (On Demand) ESS 4206 Sports Medicine Internship
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