169295_BluCol_AcadCatalog_REV PROOF 1-15-19
EXERCISE AND SPORT SCIENCE (ESS) The mission of the Exercise and Sport Science Department is to enable students to pursue career goals in the fields of exercise, sport science, sports management, and leisure studies. Activity classes assist students in adopting a healthy lifestyle and developing life- long habits of fitness. The B.S. and B.A. degrees are offered in Exercise and Sport Science. The student may choose from three concentrations within the Exercise and Sport Science major based on ca- reer goals. These options include Sports Medicine, Sport Science: Teacher Licensure, and Recreation and Sports Management. For information to teach Physical Education & Health, students major in ESS but take specific courses in addition to education courses. A list of teacher education courses is available on MYBC or may obtained from the Education Office.
I. Sports Medicine Concentration A. General Education & Degree Requirements (see p. 48)
53 SH
ESS majors concentrating in Sports Medicine must complete CHM 1013 OR CHM 1223, CHM 1011 OR CHM 1221, BIO 1113 OR BIO 2013, BIO 1111 OR BIO 211 and PSY 1013 with the grade of C or higher prior to beginning the Sports Medicine curriculum. B. Core Courses 37 SH ESS 1131, 2063, 2233, 3023, 3061, 3301, 3303, 3341, 3343, 3403, 4206, 4223, 4313, HEA 3513 D. Minor/Electives 30 SH TOTAL 126 SH 6 SH ESS 2603, 4213 C. Concentration Courses
II. Sport Science: Teacher Licensure Concentration See Teacher Education Handbook III. Sport and Recreation Management Concentration A. General Education & Degree Requirements (see p. 48) The following must be included in the General Education requirements: BIO 1034, BIO 1114 or 2014 B. Concentration Courses ESS 2003, 2203, 2303, 3053, 3623, 3633, 4013, 4023, 4033, 4213, 4216, BUS 2533, 3013, 3903 C. Minor/Electives
51 SH
45 SH
30 SH
126 SH
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