169295_BluCol_AcadCatalog_REV PROOF 1-15-19
Writing Concentration
21 SH
ENG 3023, 3043, 3063, 3113, 4043, 4063, 4073, COM 2073, 3203 Two additional 3000- or 4000-level English course
6 SH
Total hours for Writing Concentration
33 SH 48 SH 21 SH 120 SH
Total hours for the Major
C. Electives
III. Minor in English: Literature Emphasis Choose two courses (one satisfies general education requirement):
6 SH
ENG 2013, 2023, 2033, 2043, 2053, 2063, 3203, 3213, 3223, 3233, 3243, or 3253 ENG 4233, 3073, and 4403 Choose one : ENG 4213, 4223, 4243, 4253, 4263, 4683, or 4503
9 SH
3 SH
18 SH
IV. Minor in English: Writing Emphasis Choose one:
3 SH
ENG 4233, 3073, or 4403 Choose five:
15 SH
ENG 3023, 3043, 4043, 4063, 3113, 4073, COM 2053, 2073, 3203 Total
18 SH
ENG 0103 Basic Writing This noncredit course is reserved for students demonstrating deficiency in writing abili- ties. Grading is Pass/Fail. Students will study essential skills for and writing sentences and paragraphs and for reading comprehension. This course does not satisfy any Bluefield Col- lege graduation requirement but its credit hours may be used for determining athletic and financial aid eligibility. Students will take a diagnostic test upon completion of the course. Students who wish to drop Basic Writing must get their advisors to initial a drop/add form, This course meets five days a week either in class or in conference with instructor in order to improve the student’s writing abilities through study and practice of the entire writing process from topic selection through editing. Must earn a “C” or better. ENG 1013 Introduction to Writing Process This course is designed to improve the student’s writing abilities through study and prac- tice of the entire writing process from topic selection through editing. Students who wish drop Introduction to Writing Process must get their advisors to initial a drop/add form, which then must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office. Must earn a “C” or better. ENG 1023 Argumentative and Analytical Writing This course continues the study and practice of the writing process. To augment writing skills, students read and analyze selected literature. Student work focuses on reading, re- which then must be submitted to the Registrar in BC Central. ENG 1013 Introduction to Writing Process: Intensive
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