169295_BluCol_AcadCatalog_REV Jan 14 2019
search skills, and argumentative/analytical writing. Prerequisite: ENG 1013. Students who wish to drop Introduction to Argumentative and Analytical Writing must get their advisors to initial a drop/add form, which the must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office. Must earn a “C” or better. ENG 1033 Advanced Composition This course offers advanced study and practice in personal narrative and argumentative and analytical writing focusing on documented research, research skills, and responding to literature. Placement by proficiency exam only. Successful completion of ENG 1033 satis- fies the Bluefield College general education requirement in Grammar and Composition. ENG 2003 Literature Appreciation An introduction to the study of fiction, poetry and drama. Students will explore a variety of methods for reading, interpreting, and writing about literature. This course fulfills the general education requirement. Prerequisites: ENG 1013 and 1023 or 1033. (Every Spring) ENG 2013 British Literature I A survey of British poetry, drama, and nonfiction from the Anglo-Saxon period through the eighteenth century. This course fulfills the general education requirement. Prerequisites: ENG 1013 and 1023 or 1033. (Every Fall) ENG 2023 British Literature II A survey of British poetry, drama, and nonfiction from Romanticism to the present. This course fulfills the general education requirement. Prerequisites: ENG 1013 an 1023 or 1033. (Every Spring) ENG 2033 American Literature I A survey of American poetry, drama, fiction, and nonfiction from the Colonial period through the Civil War. This course fulfills the general education requirement. Prerequisites: ENG 1013 and 1023 or 1033. (Every Fall) ENG 2043 American Literature II A survey of American poetry, drama, fiction, and nonfiction from the Civil War to the pres- ent. This course fulfills the general education requirement. Prerequisites: ENG 1013 and A survey of Western and Nonwestern poetry, drama, fiction, and nonfiction from the An- cient period through the Renaissance. This course fulfills the general education require- ment. Prerequisites: ENG 1013 and 1023 or 1033. (Every Fall) ENG 2063 World Literature II A survey of Western and nonwestern poetry, drama, fiction, and nonfiction from the Eigh- teenth Century to the present. This course fulfills the general education requirement. Pre- requisites: ENG 1013 and 1023 or 1033. (Every Spring) ENG 3011, 3012, 3013 Academic Internship The purpose of this internship is to provide students with hands-on experience in higher education by tutoring literature students, by assisting professors with class presentations, and by teaching several classes, all of which provide the context for evaluating and improv- ing speaking and listening skills. Students are invited to apply by the English faculty. (On Demand) 1023 or 1033. (Every Spring) ENG 2053 World Literature I
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