The Bluestone Review 2020

The Bluestone Review 2020


Listen, I know you had a long drive over here, but— FRAN Oh, you mean my over six-hour drive from Morristown, New Jersey to the middle of no- where? I could be eating Christmas ham with my family, but noo! I’m with my idiot friend, filming a dumb Youtube video in Country Bump- kin, West Virginia! VAN Okay, you’re putting bad vibes out in the air and that effects my perfor- mance, so can we take a five? FRAN Ugh! Fine! VAN Do you want me to get water from the car? FRAN No… Let’s just start again. VAN What? FRAN Three, two, one. Action, Van! FRAN points her iPhone camera at VAN again and turns the flashlight back on.

VAN No, I’m not ready. FRAN Action, Van! VAN Quit it, Fran! FRAN C’mon, before the

gate conspiracies, ghost stories, and folklore. FRAN We have a channel called Spookbusters! We’re not actual inves- tigators, okay? I thought you didn’t even believe in ghosts anyway. VAN HEY! Don’t get that on camera! You better delete that right now. FRAN Why should I? Our videos might get more viewership if they knew you were a hack fraud. Maybe I should just post it right now, I doubt there’s much editing to do. VAN Fran, don’t! FRAN VAN Fran! FRAN (tapping on her screen) Uploading… VAN snatches the phone away from FRAN’s hand, he cancels the the upload and slides his thumb across the screen. VAN This is out of your hands, buckeroo.

spooky mothboi shows up and eats your eye- brows! VAN (chuckling) You’re not funny. FRAN What are we doing here again, Van? Looking for some monster that likes to chase meddling kids and their dog, too? VAN WE are investigating the whereabouts of the Mothman. FRAN Is it like a Batman, vigi- lante thing? VAN No, didn’t listen to my introduction? It’s a mon- ster from Point Pleasant. It’s like the Jersey Devil or celebrity ghosts? FRAN Is that our next video? Celebrity ghosts, Van? VAN I mean, we do investi-


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