100 Years of Catholic Hokies

550 STUDENTS attend Sunday Masses at War Memorial Chapel 23-24 School Year by the Numbers

Inspiring Disciples, Preparing Future Leaders

History: In 1924, the Catholic Campus Ministry at Virginia Tech was founded as a campus club under the name Newman Community with the support of St. Mary’s Catholic Church. The Newman Club relocated from St. Mary’s to Otey Street in 1963 when Father Paul Gallagher established the Newman House - a generous home donation from Ms. Ella Russell. Sunday Masses moved to War Memorial Chapel in 1966 where they are still offered today. For the past 100 years, CCM@VT has expanded upon the University’s moto, Ut Prosim (“That I may serve”), by revealing the role of our Master: Ut Serviam Deo (“That I may serve God”). The ministry has continued to serve hundreds of students and has become one of the largest Catholic Campus Ministries at a public university on the East Coast. What We Do: Students seeking to grow in communion with Jesus Christ are supported by the Catholic Campus Ministry at Virginia Tech. We are committed to transforming lives within the Virginia Tech community through the love of Christ and the fire of the Holy Spirit. Our programs have helped enrich Hokies in their faith journey and find friendships among believers. Mission Statement: We strive to support, challenge, and inspire our students, faculty, and staff to grow in faith and live out their call to be true disciples of Christ on campus and in their daily lives. Founded on Christ’s teachings and the Eucharist, we prepare Catholic leaders for service to the Church and the world through the pillars of faith, community, and service. Faith: Sunday and Daily Masses, FOCUS bible studies, retreats, formation nights, daily adoration, weekly confession times, discernment groups Community: Sunday Suppers, Intramural Sports, Knights of Columbus, Youth Apostles and Women Youth Apostles, Newman Thanksgiving, Easter Brunch Service: Alternative Spring Break Trips; VT Big Event; local volunteering with parish youth ministry, the elderly, foodbanks, and more

23 HOURS of adoration available to students each week at the Newman Chapel 123 STUDENTS spent a weekend at Camp Bethel for Fall Retreat 35 BIBLE STUDIES were held on campus each week and run by student leaders 6 SERVICE TRIPS held during Spring Break: 1 International and 5 domestic ASB trips 100+ MEALS served at each Sunday Supper at the Newman House 5 HOURS of confession available to students each week on Campus 51 MEMBERS participate in the FOCUS discipleship program

16 CANDIDATES joined the Church at Easter through the RCIA Program

203 Otey Street, Blacksburg, VA 24060



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