Annual Report 2018-19
Radford City Radford Coffee Company Radford University College of Visual and Performing Arts Raflo, Alan Raines, Jamie Rakes, Janet and Jim Rakestraw, Gina Reed, Ashley Rees, Loren and Rebecca Rich Creek Lions Club Riffe, Leeland Roane, Patricia Roanoke Valley Presbyterian Church Robinson, Christopher Rose, Randall Ross, Dennis Rotary Club of Blacksburg Foundation Roush, Emilie Ruggiero, Cheryl Runabout Sports Sal’s Italian Restaurant & Pizzeria
St. Michael Lutheran Church St. Philip’s Anglican Church Stanley, Helen Stark, Andrea Sterrett, Bill and Cynthia Stonewall Home and Garden Club Stosser, Jeffrey P. and Jeanne H. Stosser, Scott Sutherland, Leigh Sypolt, Susan Taylor, Victoria Terwilliger, Susan Theobald, Mary and Richard
Virginia Department of Social Services Virginia Housing Development Authority Virginia Premier Virginia Tech Services--University Bookstore Vista Ministries VPT, Inc. Wall, John Wayside Baptist Mission Wertman, Jay West, Sheila Whisenant, Mary Alice White Rock Church of the Brethren White, Ashley Wild Goose Christian Community Wilkin, Sarah
Three Birds Berry Farm Toney, Roberta Dianne
Topeco Church of the Brethren Tornes, Debra and Leon, Roberto Town of Blacksburg Town of Floyd Town of Pulaski Tracy, Patricia Trillium Garden Club Tuchler, Edwin Union Bank & Trust Unitarian Universalist Congregation United States Department of Agriculture United States Department of Health & Human Services United States Department of Housing and Urban Development United States Department of Labor United States Department of the Treasury/IRS
Williams, Kimberly Willis Homemakers
Winkler, Chris Wirgau, Jessica Woeste, Frank Womack, Cynthia and Joseph
Woods, Patrick Worley, Quinn Yadlowsky, Ruth Yankowski, Jessica Yorke,Lesley Ann Young, Carolyn Young, Ryker
Sanborn, Lois Scanlon, Ann Scheckler, Stephen and Rebecca Schneller, Debora Schoettinger, Kateri Schor, Lucy Scott, Ray and Maxine Sedgwick, Donna Seidel, Gary Shank, Ann Sharkey’s Sharp, Nathan and Elizabeth Shaut, Cathy and Paul Shelter Alternatives Sherry and Rodger Foster DVM Shiloh Lutheran Church Shrader, Lexis Shumsky, Neil and Marcia Sigma Kappa Sorority Simpkins, Lee Sisters Foundation
Zallen, Richard and Doris Zion Oak Grove Pavilion In Honor/Memory of: Deisher, Steve Erickson, Matthew Greene, Sarah Hendricks, Delores Herbein, Sue Jesus Christ Jones, Audrey Kate King, Bill and Cornelia Roberts, Matt and family Talbot, Lee and Patti The Groovers The Skolnik Family children
United Steelworkers Local #1022 United Way of New River Valley United Way of Roanoke Valley United We Stand Ministries Unity Christian Church Vigen, Wava Virginia Apartment Management Assn Virginia Community Action Partnership
Virginia Department of Criminal Justice System Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development
Slusher, Lee Smith, Linda Smith, Linda Flora Smusz, Ted and Terry Smusz, Tina Snyder & Associates General Contractor Sorrentino, Paul Spicer, Olin & Robertson St Paul A.M.E. Church St. Jude Catholic Church St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church
Please note the above list does not include donations to the Montgomery County Emergency Assis- tance Program or Pulaski County Emergency Needs Task Force, NRCA’s emergency assistance program partners. List does not include in-kind material or volunteer donations. Many local citizen groups & businesses contribute time, professional services & thousands of items to NRCA annually. Without their support, NRCA would not be able to assist the low-income residents of the New River Valley. All donations are tax-deductible. We ask forgiveness from anyone we might have inadvertently left off our list. Please contact 633-5133, ext. 415 with any corrections. Thank you for your support!
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