Annual Report 2018-19

2018-2019 FUNDING SOURCES NRCA expresses appreciation to individuals, institutions, and organizations for their financial support! 1901 Group A Cleaner World Abel, Gary and Beth Abundant Dawn Community Church Ackermann, Joyce Across the Way Productions Agnew, Ben & Carolyn All Saints Catholic Church Amelia’s Pizzeria & Restaurant Bollo’s Cafe and Bakery Downtown Bowling, Stephanie Boyd, Michael and Torgersen, Karen Brantley, Justine Brick House Pizza Brickhouse, Paul and Debra Bright Funds Foundation Brinberg, Marta and David Cullom, Abraham Cummings, Constance Daley, Kasey Dalton, Melanie Davis, Carol Davis, Sandra Dayspring Christian Academy de Boinville, Amy Deerfield Neighborhood

Browder, Carrie Brown Insurance Brown, J. Howe Jr., and Margaret Brown, John and Mary Brown, Toni BT’s Food & Spirits Buikema, Arthur C.E. Richardson Benevolent Foundation Caldwell, Catherine and Curtis Caldwell, William Camden, Sue and Daniel Carilion Clinic Carlisle, Katherine Carter and Kay Craigie Family Foundation Carter, Sarah Cassell, Teresa Castagna, Judith Celanese Foundation Cellar Restaurant Centennial Christian Church Chamowitz, Lynda Chantilly Farms Check Ruritan Club CHIP of Virginia Chris Turman State Farm Insurance Christ Church of Blacksburg Christ Episcopal Church Christiansburg Presbyterian Church Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Citizens Telephone Co-op Coldwell Banker Townside Realtors Community Christian Church Community Foundation of the New River Valley Community Services Block Grant Conner, Phyllis Copper Hill Cakes & Goodies Corl, Benjamin and Burger, Julia Cotrupi, Catherine CowanPerry PC

Angert, Jack Angert, Ron Anne Vaughan Designs APCO Employee Benevolent Association Arav, Patricia Askins, Justin AT&T Ballard, Jackie Baker, John Barber, Don and Corey Barnes, David and Margaret Bauers-Wall Family Foundation Beaver Creek Church of the Brethren Bircher, Myron and Judith Blacksburg Baptist Church Blacksburg Chapter AARP Blacksburg Christian Church Blacksburg Christian Fellowship Blacksburg Church of Christ Blacksburg First Church of God Blacksburg First Wesleyan Church Blacksburg Friends Meeting Blacksburg High School Blacksburg High School Class of 1966 Blacksburg Jewish Community Center Blacksburg Junior Womens Club Blacksburg Master Chorale Blacksburg New School Blacksburg Newcomers Club, Inc. Blacksburg Presbyterian Church Blacksburg United Methodist Church Blakely, Mary Blevins, Katherine Blue Ridge Cafe Becksford, Lisa Beecher, Amy Belden, Lisa Bell Gallery & Garden

Degener, Art DeHoff, Ethan Derenthal, Jerome and Judith Deyerle, Dolly and Gilbert, Luann Diana, Rachel Dore, Elizabeth Douglas, Patricia Dudley, Charles and Larkin Dunford, Terri Dwelling Place Christian Fellowship Earman, Joan Eddie Yeatts Memorial Foundation Edgewood United Methodist Church Edwards, Sandra El Charro Mexican Grill Embree, Mark Emergency Food and Shelter Program Epstein, Rhea and Kornhauser, Alan Erickson, Matthew and Michelle Everett B. Peterson Charitable Fund Fairlawn Baptist Church Fairlawn Presbyterian Church Farmers Supply Hardware Featherston Foundation Feeding America Southwest Virginia

First Baptist Church First Church of God First NRV Federal Credit Union

Fleming, Beverly Fleming, James Floyd Baptist Church Floyd County

Floyd County Angels Ministries, Inc Floyd County Ministerial Association Floyd County Retired Teachers Association Floyd County Tractor Run Fund Ford, Jr., Jerry Fortier, Joseph and Michelle Fox, Julie Fox, Lindsey

Blue Ridge Church Bobcat Packpacks

CrossFit 460 Croy, Edwin


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