Annual Report 2018-19


NRCA’s Virginia CARES program provided 164 prereleases and 93 newly-released returning citizens with assistance and support to promote successful transition from prisoner jail to the community. A sub-contractor of Virginia CARES, Inc ., NRCA’s Virginia CARES program is a community- based effort to assist individuals coming out of jail or prison. Services include emergency aid (food, clothing, shelter, and transportation), job readiness instruction, employment search, life-skills education and support groups. Through linkages with community resources, Virginia CARES provides opportunities for returning citizens to become self-reliant, law-abiding and taxpaying members of society. The program reduces recidivism by helping formerly-incarcerated individuals obtain the skills and support they need to reintegrate into their home communities.

VOLUNTEER HIGHLIGHT New River Community Action’s Virginia CARES programwould like to recognize Scott Smith for his exceptional volunteer service. Scott contributes his time to Virginia CARES following up with returning citizens to schedule intakes after release, offering referrals as needed, and guiding returning citizens who may lack support. He also assists Nikki Powell, Virginia CARES Employment Specialist, during pre-release programs at the New River Valley Regional Jail. Scott continually collaborates with staff to explore new ways to assist Virginia CARES participants. He has become a vital part our program’s success! Scott wears several hats within the local reentry community. He and his wife, Melanie, are members of the New River Valley Reentry Council where Scott serves on the Community Support and Steering Committees. We extend special thanks to Scott Smith for his time and efforts supporting Virginia CARES and the reentry initiative in the New River Valley.

Scott Smith


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