Robert (Bob) H. Cox , J.D., MBA, is a trial attorney with over two decades of experience litigating all types of business cases in courts across the nation. His experience covers a wide range of matters involving securities, business torts, contracts, antitrust, intellectual property, real estate and white collar criminal issues. He has represented parties in class actions, multi-district litigation (MDLs), government enforcement actions, private business disputes and appeals in federal and state courts. Bob has experience managing all of a telecommunications company’s litiga tion over a several year period, totaling well over 100 separate pieces of litigation in courts throughout the United States. The telecommunications company had a forum selection provision in its contracts setting the federal court in Alexandria and the Fairfax Circuit Court as the venue for a majority of the cases. Bob not only took part in the management of these cases, he participated in the litigation of many of these matters, including examining witnesses at hearings and trial, taking and defending depositions, arguing key motions (i.e., summary judgment and dismissal), and drafting briefs and other pleadings. Bob also has substantial experience in securities enforcement and regulatory matters involving accounting firms and auditors. Bob regularly represents accounting firms, corporations, corporate officers and directors, and financial industry professionals in civil, criminal and regulatory matters, including investigations and enforcement proceedings before the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA). In addition, he conducts internal investigations and provides compliance counseling to prevent such investigations. He also represents accounting firms and accountants in professional malpractice matters. Prior to joining Briglia Hundley, Bob was an assistant director in the PCAOB’s Division of Enforcement a nd Investigations for more than six years. While with the PCAOB, he handled numerous enforcement investigations and disciplinary proceedings against domestic and international accounting firms and auditors, including matters involving the Big Four and other Global Network accounting firms. He also coordinated enforcement matters with the SEC, FINRA and foreign regulatory bodies. Before the PCAOB, Bob was a partner at the largest litigation-focused law firm in the country where he handled complex antitrust, commercial and securities cases. Bob has authored several articles and treatises chapters on topics involving securities, antitrust, and litigation. For example, he is co- author of Chapter 11, Securities Damages” in Boushie, Spadea, & Cunniff, Calculating and Proving Damages (Law Journal Press 2011), a leading treatise on damages. He is also the author of Chapter 6, Collateral Estoppel and Prima Facie Effect, Antitrust Evidence Handbook, Third Edition (ABA 2016). Bob has substantial experience teaching trial advocacy, including training litigators in depositions, examination of expert witnesses and direct examination and cross-examination at trial. In addition, he has frequently spoken at professional conferences, training workshops, and continuing legal education courses, such as the FBI Academy at Quantico, Va. and the Virginia Society of CPAs (VSCPA). Krista Edoff, CPA, is a Partner in Cherry Bekaert’s Hampton Roads practice, Krista has over twelve years of experience providing attestation services to governmental, commercial and nonprofit clients. As a member of the Firm’s Government Services industry group, local governments depend on Krista’s expertise in performing financial and compliance audits (including single audits). She a lso delivers audit, review, agreed-upon procedure and consulting services to middle-market clients within the manufacturing, distribution and retail industries. Krista’s duties encompass all aspects of these services from planning, performing, supervising, reporting and wra pping-up the engagement, to direct communication and value-added services to her clients. Before joining Cherry Bekaert in 2002, Krista was employed in public accounting in Florida and South Carolina, where her primary focuses were governmental accounting and small business taxation. She has been both an internal and external instructor for government-related CPE. Mike Glynn , CPA, CGMA, is a senior technical manager in the AICPA Audit and Attest Standards Team. He serves as the staff liaison to the Accounting and Review Services Committee (ARSC). In addition, Mike supports the activities of Auditing Standards Board (ASB) and its subcommittees by assisting members in drafting and deliberating authoritative professional standards and interpretations. Michael M. Grant is the Director of Learning Design and Development at the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants (AICPA), where he leads the design and development of interactive training courses for global users in the accounting profession. Throughout his career, Michael has helped lead learning and development teams and has instructionally designed and developed eLearning courses for Fortune 500 companies. He has presented his research on interactive multimedia for educational-reinforcement tools at major conferences, such as the E-Learn World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education. Michael holds an MFA degree from Clemson University. Cindy Gross , CPA, CISA, is a director in the information technology audit practice at Brown Edwards. Prior to joining Brown Edwards, Cindy was a director in one of the top 10 firms in the nation where she provided IT audit and consulting services to a wide range of entities including financial services, technology and health care entities. She has over 15 years of experience in system development and design. At Brown Edwards, she focuses on providing a full complement of value-added IT assurance and advisory services, ranging from traditional system audits and SOC engagements to penetration testing and Sarbanes-Oxley control evaluations. She also applies her depth and expertise in the areas of disaster recovery/business continuity planning, vendor management and IT risk assessments. Cindy provides services to clients throu ghout the firm’s nine offices. A 2006 graduate of the University of Texas at Arlington, Cindy has a Master of professional ac countancy degree. In addition, she has a B.S. degree in computer programming and information systems from Shepherd University. She is a member of the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) and the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA). Randolph (Randy) Johnston , MCS, has been a top rated speaker in the technology industry for over 40 years. He was inducted into the Accounting Hall of Fame in 2011. He was selected as a Top 25 Thought Leader in Accounting from 2011-2017. His influence throughout the accounting industry is highlighted once again this year by being a recipient of the 2016 Accounting Today Top 100 Most Influential People in Accounting award for the thirteenth consecutive year. Among his many other awards he holds the honor of being one of nine technology stars in the U.S. by Accounting Technology Magazine. Randy writes a monthly column for The CPA Practice Advisor, articles for the Journal of Accountancy, and creates articles for both accounting and technology publications, as well as being the author of numerous books. He has started and owns multiple businesses including K2 Enterprises in Hammond, Louisiana and Network Management Group, Inc. in Hutchinson, Kansas. NMGI has supported CPA firms for 30+ years and is the largest managed service provider serving the CPA profession
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