appearance and reputation of a town. Currently, there is not much available housing suitable for students or non-students in Downtown other than the nearby single-family homes. Increasing both the amount and variety of housing not only adds vibrancy; it is an important economic strategy. Retaining young professionals is crucial to the Town’s success. It is a demographic that has demonstrated strong preference for Downtown living both nationally and in Blacksburg. Bringing full-time non-students into Downtown would attract a greater variety of businesses, improve stability during evenings and weekends, and support Downtown by taking part in events and being patrons of local establishments. The 2015 Downtown Blacksburg Housing Market Study surveyed employees in Blacksburg and found many would prefer living in smaller units within walking distance of work or amenities.
Active Uses, Events, and Places In Downtown Blacksburg, pockets of vibrancy are thriving. The central section of Main Street and College Avenue is active and has continued growing with new restaurants, shops, and personal service establishments. These primary sources of vibrancy Downtown bring life into the Town’s historic storefronts. Downtown amenities and events such as the Farmers Market and outdoor concerts draw many residents and visitors. Small examples of public art such as murals have also popped up. But much more can be done to make more parts of Downtown vibrant. Developing more housing will make Downtown a stronger neighborhood, activating additional spaces organically on evenings and weekends. Housing Places are more vibrant when there are more people around. Having the right amount of suitable housing in Downtown Blacksburg would allow for it to be a place of activity after business hours on weekdays and on the weekends during the day as well as during the summer months. Creating a more active place brings business to local establishments, makes spaces feel safer as more people are around, and improves the Downtown has many elements of a vibrant place. Broadening housing and storefront offerings to target more non-students will enable it to reach its full potential.
Steppin’ Out Arts Festival
Downtown housing market study Survey results (2015)
Modea/ TechPad
Between 18 and 34 years old
75% 72% 15%
38% 4%
Are renters
45 Downtown Blacksburg Strategic Plan
Live Downtown
Would consider moving Downtown
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