


Objectives GOAL 1 - Cost of Housing Locations for denser housing Redevelopment of underdeveloped parcels Sites for student housing Sites for non-student housing GOAL 2 - Town Identity Connections to existing parks Park infrastructure and programming Access and visibility to historic buildings Celebration and rehab of historic buildings Complementary/transitional development Development complementary to VT CID Investments in Start-up economy Employee attraction and retention Capacity for economic development GOAL 3 - Economy & Employment

Establish overlay districts with zoning and design standards suitable for new downtown development  Initiate dialogue with property owners, establish public-private partnerships and/or negotiate necessary property acquisition for right-of-way or other public improvements  Initiate design plans for public improvements in Central Downtown (e.g., parking garage, College Avenue plaza, Progress Street improvements, alley and pedestrian connection improvements, tc.)  Issue RFP for development/management of residential liner buildings along the edges of th public parking garage

 Update zoning to allow for dense, mixed- use buildings of up to five stories on Main Street, three stories on Progress Street  Explore bike/pedestrian facility options on Progress Street; provide for funding in capital improvements plan  Allow Townhome infill east of Progress Street  Create design guidelines to ensure quality architecture and urban form on Main and Progress Streets  Use incentives, where necessary, to ensure quality development  Take appropriate steps to ensure housing and retail targets non-students  Create Old Turner Street/Pedestrian Extension to break up superblock between Turner and Giles  Recruit distinctive ground floor tenant mix that promotes entrepreneurs and crafters  Seek opportunities for Town-Developer partnerships that ensure the greatest quality in development; consider a formal developer RFP process

 rioritize and designate phasing of public improvements in the CIP

 Explore programs and partnerships with property owners and community organizations to bea tify and activate edestrian spaces (e.g., the alley, connections between buildings, etc.) throughout Central Downtown

GOAL 4 - Downtown Development of mix of uses Local businesses Multi-modal access

Investments in walkability and vibrancy Economically-feasible, human scale development Downtown districting Expansion of Downtown boundaries

Chapter 4 - 7 Strategies for Downtown



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