Objectives GOAL 1 - Cost of Housing Locations for denser housing Redevelopment of underdeveloped parcels Sites for student housing Sites for non-student housing GOAL 2 - Town Identity Connections to existing parks Park infrastructure and programming Access and visibility to historic buildings Celebration and rehab of historic buildings Complementary/transitional development Development complementary to VT CID Investments in Start-up economy Employee attraction and retention Capacity for economic development GOAL 3 - Economy & Employment
Establish overlay districts with zoning and design standards suitable for new downtown development Initiate dialogue with property owners, establish public-private partnerships and/or negotiate necessary property acquisition for right-of-way or other public improvements Initiate design plans for public improvements in Central Downtown (e.g., parking garage, College Avenue plaza, Progress Street improvements, alley and pedestrian connection improvements, tc.) Issue RFP for development/management of residential liner buildings along the edges of th public parking garage
Update zoning to allow for dense, mixed- use buildings of up to five stories on Main Street, three stories on Progress Street Explore bike/pedestrian facility options on Progress Street; provide for funding in capital improvements plan Allow Townhome infill east of Progress Street Create design guidelines to ensure quality architecture and urban form on Main and Progress Streets Use incentives, where necessary, to ensure quality development Take appropriate steps to ensure housing and retail targets non-students Create Old Turner Street/Pedestrian Extension to break up superblock between Turner and Giles Recruit distinctive ground floor tenant mix that promotes entrepreneurs and crafters Seek opportunities for Town-Developer partnerships that ensure the greatest quality in development; consider a formal developer RFP process
rioritize and designate phasing of public improvements in the CIP
Explore programs and partnerships with property owners and community organizations to bea tify and activate edestrian spaces (e.g., the alley, connections between buildings, etc.) throughout Central Downtown
GOAL 4 - Downtown Development of mix of uses Local businesses Multi-modal access
Investments in walkability and vibrancy Economically-feasible, human scale development Downtown districting Expansion of Downtown boundaries
Chapter 4 - 7 Strategies for Downtown
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