In contrast to the typical extraction methods, our purification process is extremely efficient and green. The extraction process uses only water, acetone and GRAS (generally regarded as safe) salts and takes about four hours, as opposed to the four to six days typically needed to produce “winterized” cannabinoid oil. No trace of acetone is left in the finished product. The process requires little capital investment and is scalable to approximately one kilogram per week with approximately $150,000 of equipment. In addition, the purification process is relatively efficient, producing yields from plant material and oils (measured as the estimated mass of Chylobinoids contained in the finished product as a percentage of the estimated mass of CBDa contained in the starting material) of more than 80%. We produce chylobinoids as a free-flowing powder. Because powders are easier to manipulate and allow for more accurate and consistent dosing and delivery, they sell for a substantial premium over similarly pure oils. We believe that given the efficiency of our process and the price differential between oil or plant material and powder, we can profitably produce and sell our chylobinoids without first demonstrating their superiority to other CBD or CBDa rich powders. In addition, chylobinoids offer the increased flexibility of incorporating other active agents, such as vitamins, into the complex to further expand the applications of chylobinoid. PRODUCT BENEFITS In addition to providing a convenient means of delivering consistent therapeutic dosing, our chylobinoid products may offer significant clinical advantages over conventional medicinal cannabinoids. Poor absorption reduces the efficacy and increases the variability of response to many hemp-based cannabinoids. Synthonics has demonstrated, through animal and other pre-clinical testing, that magnesium coordination can significantly improve the bioavailability of poorly absorbed drugs by increasing their lipophilicity (ability to pass through a fat-based environment) while maintaining their solubility (ability to pass through a water-based environment). Our purification process produces cannabis-containing complexes that appear very similar to chylomicrons. We expect that, when combined with coconut, sesame and other oils , chylobinoids will behave as chylomicrons do when absorbed into the bloodstream and avoid the first-pass hepatic metabolism, which contributes to the known low oral bioavailability of CBD (around 8%). We believe that avoiding the liver’s metabolic filter may greatly boost the bioavailability (from 8% to 60-80%), improve tissue delivery and targeting, and increase the safety of our orally ingested cannabinoid products. We believe that our chylobinoids contain substantially more CBDa than other hemp derived products since the application of heat and drying during conventional purification processes typically converts most of the CBDa contained within the raw material to CBD. Recent research indicates that CBDa may have distinctive pharmacodynamic effects and be more effective than CBD in treating certain conditions, such as epilepsy, anticipatory nausea, anxiety/pain, and inflammation. Specifically, CBDa appears to inhibit COX-2 (an enzyme that promotes inflammation), block GPR55 (G protein-coupled receptor 55), stimulate PPARG receptors (involved in neurodegenerative disorders), and stimulate 5-HT1A receptors (involved with controlling anxiety, addiction, appetite, sleep, pain perception, nausea and vomiting).
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